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Vélez-Málaga - 18 ene 2019

If you started living in Spain last year, check if you must present the declaration of assets abroad (model 720). You can do it until March 31.

Resident since 2018: If you started living in Spain in 2018, in addition to having to present the Income Tax declaration and the Wealth Tax, you may also be required to submit the Declaration of Assets Abroad (model 720), whose term of presentation ends on March 31, 2019. This will occur if, at December 31, 2018, he held accounts, securities or real estate abroad with a total value (per type of asset) of more than € 50,000.

“Impatriados no” (workers displaced to Spanish territory): This obligation does not affect those who start to reside in Spain and take refuge in the "Immigrated regime". Through this system, during the year of their displacement and the following five, those affected will be able to pay according to the rules of the Non-Resident Income Tax (IRNR), instead of doing so according to the Personal Income Tax, so during that period no they will be obliged to present the mentioned model 720.

Resident since before 2018: It is late. It may happen that he is already resident in Spain since before 2018 and that, due to ignorance, he has not presented the model (this situation is occurring with many foreigners who have begun to live in Spain in recent years and who were unaware of the obligation). In these cases, it is best to present the 720 model corresponding to the year in which you began to reside in Spain, before the Treasury claims it. Thus, the sanction for submission after the deadline will be reduced:

  • No requirement. In case of extemporaneous submission without prior notice, the penalty is €100 per item or set of data declared late, with a minimum of € 1,500.

  • With requirement. If there is a requirement, the sanction is € 5,000 per data or set of omitted data, with a minimum of € 10,000.

If you file the statement late and you are sanctioned, you have to consider recourse. Although this will mean the loss of the 25% reduction on the penalty (applicable when the sanction is not appealed and paid on time) it is very possible that the courts end up giving the reason. For these purposes, it can be argued against:

  • In the first place, that the EU has initiated proceedings against Spain with the aim that this sanctioning regime be modified, because it is disproportionate.

  • Secondly, in the case of foreigners who begin to reside in Spain, the presentation of this model supposes an extraordinary novelty and a great technical and interpretative difficulty. In view of the important discrepancies that have occurred around this model, in this particular case, the lack of presentation is not enough to consider that there has been culpability.

  • Third, if more than four years have passed since you started living in Spain and you had to file the 720 model (for example, if you are a resident since 2013), claim that the term available to the Treasury to sanction has already prescribed .

If you started to reside before 2018, present model 720 after the deadline and resort to the sanctions imposed. Remember that the EU considers that the sanctions imposed in these cases are disproportionate.

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